my kindred spirit based in Kuala Lumpur ^_^
he's been a super supportive friend, always full of ideas to shoot for my songs, always willing to help,
and he and his team has always been involved with big-scale productions and commercials,
so i'm truly blessed that he was so excited about shooting my MV for me!

we left everything in their good hands,
the concept, the storyboard, the planning,
and it was only the day before that i heard about...
a potential FIRE scene!
still, i didn't ask much, we went ahead because i trusted them completely that it would be rockin. :)
we set off from Singapore at midnight,
reaching KL at about 430am,
and headed straight to the location at 6am.
it was an outdoor location in a seriously ULU place!

and the best part was the rain rain rain...
which rained out the entire area and turned it into a mudslide.
we waited and slept in the van for about 2 hours...
it was a major CRISIS and they had to decide if they wanted to abandon the location and shoot indoors instead....
in the end they braved it out and bought as many pair of BOOTS they could find for the crew and everyone else!!!

we had to figure out the best way to drive in,
and behold the view.....

this is honestly an mud/sand/grit excavation spot for construction purposes,
so kudos to the location manager!
the most amazing thing is that this place is probably no longer around in this world,
since after more excavation it would look entirely different.
already posing for my next emo album cover shot.

my hairstylist Comb takes a shot at it.

setting up tentage!

that is ME in the tent... my portable toilet!!!
running off to a corner to pee....
i had to hide in a tent cuz there were guys ontop of the cliff in charge of the power generator...
throwing down electric cables...

my garang executive producer Jacie leading me to my spot

Cheong gets ready for the 1st shot...

the smoke throwers get ready...

the wind machine gets ready...

one thing i learnt from MV shooting -
wind and hair and lipgloss DO NOT go together!!!
to add on to the misty, smoky effect,
they add flour to the wind...
creating this beautiful martian landscape effect on the mud!

my team baking in the sun with me... supporting me in spirit and in action!!!

faint from heat!

this is the final scene where i walk away...

they really went all out... lying on pieces of styrofoam

they broke a brand new snowglobe... T_T

i love these flowers! or plants! or whatever!

shading from the sun...

atop a hill

end of Part 1 (mountain scene)!
you HAVE TO check back on the Fire scenes next... Part 2 coming up soon!!!