It was interestingly liberating,
not having to look back,
not having company,
completely ME time.
At times like this, I think up lyrics in my head
and type them in my phone as I step onto the travellator.
Lyrics, mostly about travelling,
about a certain sense of loss when you're constantly away...
Jakarta's airport reminded me of Singapore's East Coast chalets,

with red tiled roofs and wooden beams -

a throwback to the good old days,
so vastly different from the glass-and-steel airports I'm used to nowadays.
Once I reached the venue, Sands Club,
I was brought into a neon paradise of endless free food, massage, KTV and pool.

No night.

Nor day.

i'd say

that my pool skills has improved.

it was a VIP suite to watch the show from

our stage

we had ALL our meals here.

every meal was a similar multiple course affair

desserts scattered on the KTV tables
the manager in our room acceded to our every request -
when i asked if i could go online in the room,
she said: oh, do you wanna go online here?
i said : here?
she: sure, we have wireless.
me: cool, ok.
she: we can bring laptops in.
me, amazed: err, ok!
she: how many you want?
me, more amazed: err.. who wants to go online here? paradise just got better.
(some hands shoot up, others continue playing pool)
me: three?
she: ok.
some guy appears with 3 laptop bags and an entire wireless setup.

More about the show :)

stars who have graced the stage

come come, follow me...

rehearsal starts :)

didn't take pictures from stage since we were soooooo near the audience
and i didn't wanna be too obvious about it :)
the crowd took a little time to warm up, but i must say David really worked them well!
it was a shorter show than our full-length concert, which lasted about 1.5-2 hours
so it was a breeze :)
it was also great to meet some of the fans later outside the ballroom,
hello to those who read my blog! :D

people who made this show possible :)

thanks guys!
off to Tianjin tomorrow for Amei's concert :)
I borrowed 4 books from the library to feed my brain.