press conference
radio/press interviews
esplanade concert
crazyworld cafe music fest show
all these news, pictures and info can be found on,
i wanna keep this blog a catalogue of thoughts.
i feel like i've become less personal,
with all the facebook news spam about my latest gigs and latest photos,
and with random boring tweets.
i haven't been sharing much,
because there was a lot i was thinking about, and many things i couldn't openly share.
my label has been working hard and fighting for more opportunities for me,
and i want to thank all of them.
they're not a major label who can call the shots, so it's an uphill climb for us.
these few months, i have been educated on this world of music business, and am still learning.

i like coming back here to blog at length about whatever i wanna say.
so, i want to start over, and say,
here i am!