@ rehearsals...

shirlyn tan

jiahui and ngak
everyone in a big room,
the all-star band, the all-star lineup...!

poster @ esplanade...

my last minute attempts to get the lyrics right..
snapped a picture of the words...

the waterfront theatre, much larger than before...
more spectacular!
thanks zang thio for the pic :)

pic thanks to eric ng :)
i love this one!
photos below by avenue8 photogs - bernard, adrian and sherman! many thanks!

love this pic cuz it shows my irrelevant pink and gold ring!

love this one cuz it shows off my awesome shoes!!! haha
thanks to all those who took pix for us backstage!

wu jiahui

kaira gong

.. many more i didn't get to take pix with!

my japanese friends ran and kanna!
who came from a jap festival hehe
our finale item - singing Always Be My Baby :)

waving my hand from side to side is my forte.
regular practice from concerts....

i look ridiculously happy!!
ngak is erm, ultraman...

esplanade backstage is the most cosy haven ever.
complete with stage lights around the mirror that makes for perfect glow :)
videos of the show coming up in a bit.
kenn c, famous arranger for Mando pop songs, is the music director for this show, and he arranged the live version of my song Ru Guo!!!
ok heading off to Comex to get my laptop. heh.
i was majorly confused for the past 3 days,
trying to decide the best combination between specs, weight and price.
O_o arghhh