Thank god for inflight entertainment.
2 Woody Allen shows + Alfie = too much sex on a plane, of too many goodlooking people.

moving on.

this was my first glimpse of civilisation!

Strangely, the last time I was here was 10 years ago,
but I remembered the place very clearly...
My favourite place was the Bellagio,
watching dancing water, listening to Frank Sinatra.
This time round, I didn't have much time to go near to Bellagio.

The show was at MGM Grand,

which housed a Lion Habitat

@ the Arena :)

band room!

drummer Brendan Buckley stood in for the show,
he looks... a tad like leehom!

Traditional lion-dance before the show started -
I thought that was pretty cool!
After all, the arena housed a mini-Chinatown,
and in the spirit of Chinese New Year,
I believe it was a great celebration and time of bonding for the Chinese to be at the concert!

The fans! :)
People from LA, Hawaii, Venezuela??
I enjoyed hearing Leehom speak mostly in English for the concert -
and it only occurred to me later that,
it was the first time that Jamie (guitarist) and Jingles (bassist) knew what leehom was talking about throughout the show!

Our post-party lasted all the way till 630am...
just in time for sunrise...

and i tried my hand at blackjack,
first time playing at a table in a casino!

i slept for a bit, and then, enroute to Harley Davidson Cafe :)

I couldn't stay longer cuz I wanted to be back for the New Year,
and honestly I shopped little at the Premium Outlets...
I got some BCBG dresses, Ed Hardy sneakers, FCUK tees, a Kate Spade wallet...
no Coach! haha.
I don't really like Coach.
I'm planning to (finally) get a car.
So no more frivolous spending!
I've also been thinking about my constant travelling, my irregular nomadic lifestyle,
my dreams to carve out a singing career,
my motivation to expand Yours Truly (my wedding & events company),
my ideas on writing for my own album...
...and my future lies before me like a desert, a huge expanse of nothingness.
I can take whatever route I want to go,
everyday I wake up and rethink my direction.
Somewhere in this desert, pulsates the treasure of a city that is Las Vegas,
the metaphor of megalomanic success.
I'm still looking for it.
I love your blogs:-) Ummmm I think it's also the first time I totally understood what Leehom said in a concert! What happened to Eric ? This new drummer does look a little like LH! Gosh your post-party must have been loads of fun or were all of u too jet lagged to sleep?
wow so good can vist las vegas and somemore can shop around! kewei u r really lucky=)
im glad to be pouncing by your blog once again! and I really love the way you described your train of thoughts...
and just to let you know, whatever route you take or whatever destination you land, i'm still going to wish you all the best and enjoy every single process of every journey! best of luck babe :)
Las Vegas airport nice... :)
anyways, jiayou in working on your own album..but don't stress yourself okay..knowing that putting alot of efforts on album will produce a good music...but pls dun tired yourself hor..take care =)
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