mainly because we're right in front onstage in full view of the audience
and have no time to snap any pictures :)

nevertheless, a big shoutout to DTFC!
They caught some of us right outside Taipei Arena
before we went in for rehearsals :)
Like I mentioned, we stay opposite the Taipei Arena,
so we just cross the road and stroll in,
unlike other venues where we are usually ferried in by a van of sorts.
This time at Taipei I visited Elisa's own studio,
she's a fulltime producer-arranger back in her hometown :)
was especially intrigued by this painting on her walls

take a better look.
taipei treats

authentic ice monster

i forgot the name.

yummy 东一排骨便当

the band decks out in David Tao tshirts!
Eh. Jamie is in a special white one. Racist la.

David Tao carries his life-size poster onstage,
and we just HAD to.

togetherly please!
DTFC, please insert concert writeups here -->
Post party time, my turn:

our band leader takes to the piano bar

with 发神 Dick哥
who obviously has to have hairstyles unlike us mortals
we also spent a lovely evening at Lawry's Prime Ribs,

with Jim Lee, our front-of-house engineer, David Tan and Elisa

and needless to say spirits were high,
and spillages were aplenty.

feet in hot tubs,
a great way to end off worktrips :)
Hi ,
Envy ... Pls put me into yr luaggae :)
Dear Kewei
Ah~~~~~ (still screaming)~ I could not believe u post our picture in your blog~~ Ah~~~~~~ It is so touched. Ah~~~~~ so sweet of you~Ah~~~~(my neighbor is going to call the police now~haha)
Thanks for your sharing~~ I saw "DTFC, please insert concert writeups here -->". Do you want us to write something or? Let me know, I would love to ask other fans to do it.^^
BTW, we start to plan the trip about HK concert yo~ ^+++^
this type of blogging style is lovely, easily liked by ppl~
i love ur story. i love it.
haha ks! but the police will arrest me.. :p
dear sophie, u r so funny! :D it's nice to meet all of you mah! haha as for concert writeups, you can post in comments here! i'm sure other fans will read it heheh
thanks milk, i try, but not as interesting as you...
gal~ the interesting part of blogging is everybody can show their different personalities/styles through writing. Ur blog is cool since the day it starts.
Whereas mine sometime gets comments like boring and outdated and 'dunno-wth' kind of photos and stories.
It will be nice juz be urself. :D
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