Thank god for inflight entertainment.
2 Woody Allen shows + Alfie = too much sex on a plane, of too many goodlooking people.

moving on.

this was my first glimpse of civilisation!

Strangely, the last time I was here was 10 years ago,
but I remembered the place very clearly...
My favourite place was the Bellagio,
watching dancing water, listening to Frank Sinatra.
This time round, I didn't have much time to go near to Bellagio.

The show was at MGM Grand,

which housed a Lion Habitat

@ the Arena :)

band room!

drummer Brendan Buckley stood in for the show,
he looks... a tad like leehom!

Traditional lion-dance before the show started -
I thought that was pretty cool!
After all, the arena housed a mini-Chinatown,
and in the spirit of Chinese New Year,
I believe it was a great celebration and time of bonding for the Chinese to be at the concert!

The fans! :)
People from LA, Hawaii, Venezuela??
I enjoyed hearing Leehom speak mostly in English for the concert -
and it only occurred to me later that,
it was the first time that Jamie (guitarist) and Jingles (bassist) knew what leehom was talking about throughout the show!

Our post-party lasted all the way till 630am...
just in time for sunrise...

and i tried my hand at blackjack,
first time playing at a table in a casino!

i slept for a bit, and then, enroute to Harley Davidson Cafe :)

I couldn't stay longer cuz I wanted to be back for the New Year,
and honestly I shopped little at the Premium Outlets...
I got some BCBG dresses, Ed Hardy sneakers, FCUK tees, a Kate Spade wallet...
no Coach! haha.
I don't really like Coach.
I'm planning to (finally) get a car.
So no more frivolous spending!
I've also been thinking about my constant travelling, my irregular nomadic lifestyle,
my dreams to carve out a singing career,
my motivation to expand Yours Truly (my wedding & events company),
my ideas on writing for my own album...
...and my future lies before me like a desert, a huge expanse of nothingness.
I can take whatever route I want to go,
everyday I wake up and rethink my direction.
Somewhere in this desert, pulsates the treasure of a city that is Las Vegas,
the metaphor of megalomanic success.
I'm still looking for it.